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CHEST 2020 Call for Nominations: Honor Lectures and Annual Awards

It’s that time of year again—time to nominate your colleagues who are making a notable difference in chest medicine for the CHEST 2020 Honor Lectures and Annual Awards. Consider nominating your colleagues for annual awards, honor and memorial lectures, or educator awards.

The deadline for nominations is Monday, January 6, 2020.

CHEST Annual Awards are given to individuals who’ve made an important mark within CHEST. These awards are given to honor clinicians, teachers, and leaders.

Nominating an individual for an award is easy. Complete a nomination form and include a letter of recommendation that details the nominee’s contributions to the field and their qualifications for the proposed award.

College Medalist Award

This award is given to a clinician, author, teacher, or investigator that holds the CHEST Fellow (FCCP) title for their meritorious service in furthering work in chest medicine.

Past winners include: Ghada Bourjeily, MD, FCCP; Sidney Braman, MD, Master FCCP; Lewis Rubin, MD, FCCP; David Gutterman, MD, Master FCCP; and Barbara Phillips, MD, MSPH, FCCP.

Distinguished Service Award

This award is presented to a CHEST Fellow (FCCP) or group who has held a leadership position at CHEST and led significant achievements and/or donated time, leadership, and service to CHEST.

Past winners include: Doreen Addrizzo-Harris, MD, FCCP; David Gutterman, MD, Master FCCP; Nancy Collop, MD, FCCP; Kim French, MHSA, CAAPM, FCCP; and John Studdard, MD, FCCP.

Master FCCP

This award serves as the highest level of recognition conferred by the College for achievement of professional preeminence in chest medicine. Recipients are chosen because of their personal character and leadership; extraordinary contributions to medical research, clinical practice, quality improvement, or medical education; and years of enduring and outstanding service to CHEST while they have advanced chest medicine.

Past winners include: Darcy Marciniuk, MD, Master FCCP; David Gutterman, MD, Master FCCP; Sidney Braman, MD, Master FCCP; Suhail Raoof, MBBS, Master FCCP; and Kalpalatha K. Guntupalli, MD, Master FCCP.


CHEST Honor and Memorial Lectures are given by leaders and investigators within specific disease states. These lectures are an opportunity for individuals to showcase their talent, research, and dedication in chest medicine.

Nominate your friend or colleague by completing the nomination form and include a letter of recommendation that details their contributions to the field and their qualifications for the proposed award.

Edward C. Rosenow III, MD, Master FCCP/Master Teacher Endowed Honor Lecture

This lecture was established in 2004 and reflects Dr. Edward C. Rosenow’s outstanding career and leadership. Dr. Rosenow has donated both his time and expertise to the development of physicians-in-training and to improve patient care. This lecture honors a CHEST Fellow (FCCP) who is a physician educator and has excelled in working with unusual lung cases, mentoring, and improving physician communication with patients by teaching them the art of medicine.

Roger C. Bone Memorial Lecture in Critical Care

Roger C. Bone, MD, Master FCCP, made unprecedented advances in critical care, particularly in sepsis and sepsis research. He empowered physicians to communicate with their patients and their families about end-of-life issues and made significant society achievements. This lecture honors a world-renowned visionary in pulmonary and critical care medicine who is accomplished as an academician, clinician, and author.

Murray Kornfeld Memorial Founders Award

This lecture was established in 1974 in memory of the Founder of the American College of Chest Physicians and then the Federation of American Sanatoria. Murray Kornfeld envisioned a society of professionals to promote knowledge of thoracic medicine and to publish a journal devoted to diseases of the chest. This lecture honors a CHEST Fellow (FCCP) who is a leader in pulmonary and critical care medicine, particularly in the areas of infection and inflammation, who is developing innovative approaches and therapies expected to guide medicine for decades to come.

Distinguished Scientist Honor Lecture in Cardiopulmonary Physiology

The Distinguished Scientist Honor Lecture in Cardiopulmonary Physiology was first awarded in 1973. This lecture honors a CHEST Fellow (FCCP) who is a well-respected and published original investigator in pulmonary and clinical physiology.

Pasquale Ciaglia Memorial Lecture in Interventional Medicine

This lecture was established in 2001 in memory of Pasquale Ciaglia, MD, FCCP, a thoracic surgeon who made percutaneous tracheostomy a standard of clinical practice, which changed the way long-term ventilation management was performed. This lecture honors a CHEST Fellow (FCCP) known for their work in interventional medicine, including clinical state-of-the-art innovations, economic impact, invention, interventional critical care, research opportunities, and more.

Margaret Pfrommer Endowed Memorial Lecture in Home-Based Mechanical Ventilation

This lecture was established in 1999 by Drs. Eveline and Allen I. Goldberg during Goldberg’s presidency; the Margaret Pfrommer Memorial Lecture in Home-Based Mechanical Ventilation honors a post-polio survivor and patient advocate. The intent of this lecture is to recognize the contributions of Margaret Pfrommer and to ensure that individuals who use mechanical ventilation, and their families, can work more effectively in partnership with members of their health-care team.

Thomas L. Petty, MD, Master FCCP, Endowed Memorial Lecture

This lecture honoring Thomas L. Petty, MD, Master FCCP, who trained hundreds of physicians in COPD, oxygen therapy, and spirometry, is given to a CHEST Fellow known for their work in advancing the understanding of COPD pathogenesis and/or treatment and for exceptional mentoring and clinical instruction skills.


The Educator Awards recognize CHEST educators who have made significant contributions as faculty and have made an impact in teaching in a variety of educational activities.

Nomination submissions for the following awards must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation detailing the specific areas noted below. Self-nominations are welcome. These awards are selected by the Educator Development Subcommittee and Education Committee.

Early Career Clinician Educator

This award recognizes a clinician-educator who is within 10 years of starting practice and has made a significant contribution to CHEST educational activities and is committed to continuing to grow as our faculty.

Past winners include: Cassie Kennedy, MD, FCCP; Paru Patrawalla, MD, FCCP; Amy Morris, MD, FCCP; Septimu Murgu, MD, FCCP; and Gabriel Bosslet, MD, FCCP.

Master Clinician Educator

This award recognizes a clinician-educator who has 20 years or more of clinical practice; is dedicated to educational outcomes and medical education throughout their career, demonstrated through the conduct of educational research or publication of educational outcomes; and has service on a CHEST committee, NetWork Steering Committee, subcommittee, or work group.

Past winners include: Eric Edell, MD, FCCP; Lisa Moores, MD, FCCP; Stephanie Levine, MD, FCCP; and Jack Buckley, MD, MPH, FCCP.


If you have questions, please contact Emily Petraglia, Manager, Volunteer Engagement.


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